Wynne, Arkansas, USA.
Stephanie Turner was born with Harlequin ichthyosis – a severe genetic skin disease that makes her skin red raw, easily cracked and susceptible to infections. Doctors warned that the girl had little chance of survival but Stephanie defied all the odds and now she is the oldest person in the US to live with the condition.
Moreover, she became the first person in the world with Harlequin ichthyosis to give birth. Now the 23-year-old is the mother of two healthy children, who luckily didn’t inherit defected genes and escaped their mum’s fate
Speaking about her condition and fears about pregnancy Stephanie said: “I’ve actually had someone come up to me and ask if I was in a fire. I always spend about 15 minutes putting lotion on because my skin is so tight and doesn’t have any give. The skin is the only thing I’ve ever known, it’s just born like this so I don’t know how to look at myself any different.
I always wanted to be a mum but I didn’t know if I could have kids. The doctors couldn’t tell us anything because I was the first one to consider having a baby. And now I can’t tell you what good of a feeling it is just to have your children healthy and happy. I hope the future holds nothing but happiness. I just focusing on my two perfect babies and my wonderful husband.”
And although Stephanie’s life is full of difficulties and pain, she doesn’t lose her positive attitude to life. Her husband Curtis Turner said: “When I met her I didn’t see a person with a skin disorder, I just saw a beautiful funny woman. She was funny and she’s always trying to make things positive. Stephanie is a super-mum, she can be doing 50-different things at once and still have time to smile and take care of both the kids.”
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